Analysis on the Training Path of Application-oriented Innovative Talents in Higher Vocational Education

Zhong Ling,Xiao Feng,Sun Tao


As a type of education, vocational education focuses on cultivating talents with technical skills that meet the needs of industrial development. However, with the major strategic adjustments of supply-side structural reforms, such talents can no longer meet the needs of enterprise innovation and development, and hundreds of millions application-oriented innovative talents are needed to support industrial transformation and upgrading. Higher vocational education is the type of education which is most closely related to economic and social development. Higher vocational colleges should timely reform the talent training model, optimize and adjust the talent training plan, strengthen the connotation construction based on the regional economic characteristics, establish an extended talent training mechanism, and cultivate application-oriented innovative talents who are capable of adapting themselves to industrial transformation and upgrading, meeting both the needs of enterprises and students after employment.


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