Docking With “Double Standards”, Reconstruct the Public Physical Education Teaching Content in Higher Vocational Colleges, Enrich Teaching Resources

Wang Leiyi


Compared with ordinary higher education,higher vocational education focuses on cultivating applied

talents. The typical characteristic ofhigher vocational colleges is both usable and practical.The curriculum system is set

around the talent training objectives, and even the curriculum objectives and curriculum content of each course show the purpose of practical application, and the public sports courses are no exception. The setting of physical education teaching content oriented by vocational post demand has become the main feature of physical education teaching in higher vocational colleges. From the perspective of docking with the “double standards”, this paper fully considers the requirements of the Basic Standards of Physical Education,the National Physical Education Teaching Guidelines. and the laws of physical education teaching, to reconstruct the content of public physical education teaching and enrich the teaching resources.


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